hadel.net-Blog - Liebherr LTM 1200-5.1 / SN: 093 465 (YoM: 2014) from empting arriving at Port Bremerhaven  
  Jens Hadel             +49 171 6313756                      

Liebherr LTM 1200-5.1 / SN: 093 465 (YoM: 2014) from empting arriving at Port Bremerhaven

Veröffentlicht am 05.04.2018

Liebherr LTM 1200-5.1 / SN: 093 465 (YoM: 2014) from empting arriving at Port Bremerhaven

Liebherr LTM 1200-5.1 / SN: 093 465 (YoM: 2014) from empting arriving at Port Bremerhaven

cranes   /   05.04.2018 7:41   /  A+ | a-
the moment of arrival:

the trailer with the counter weights